Solo per Maghi

Aqua Change Vase (Aluminum) by Mr. Magic – Trick


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COD: 56714-15.00000-M Categoria:

Tipo Prodotto: Trick  –  Livello Difficoltà: Beginner –  Autore:

Here is an excellent apparatus to change liquid into a solid object. The performer shows a metal vase. This is shown to be empty. A glass of water/any liquid is poured in the vase. This is now covered with an empty cylinder which the audience clearly has seen right through. Next, making magical passes the performer lifts away the cylinder and then makes a throwing motion with the vase, and out scatters colored confetti, the water has vanished! With some thought you should be able to use the apparatus to change liquid into toffee, garlands etc. and thus making it useful for varied routines.

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